aquarium fish for the living room! It is important to consider this before putting a discus fish aquarium for beginners

Disk fish got the title Aquarium of the King, because of its majestic beauty and graceful color, so it is suitable when placed side by side with living plants or other plants, as an addition to decorate your living room

The origin of discus fish habitat

Disc fish come from the Amazon valley in South America. There are three sub-species of discus. But today, you will be able to see it in various colors, shapes, and they will have different habitat requirements! 

Initially, classification by heritage there are only 3 types of disc fish: Symphysodon is highly social, Like cichlids from the genus Pterophyllum (angelfish).
  1. Symphysodon aequifasciatus Pellegrin, 1904 (Blue discus or brown discus)
  2. Symphysodon discus Heckel, 1840 (Red discus or Heckel discus)
  3. Symphysodon tarzoo E. Lyons, 1959 (Green discus)

But now, you will also find a number of other types of discs. These are Green Discus, Brown Discus, and Blue Discus. You will also hear Disk Heckel. Likewise, depending on the region of origin of your country, these fish are classified differently in Asia and Europe.
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What is the Best Size of Aquarium for Discus Fish?

Discus are peaceful fish, they will be happy if they aren't too many, this creates a sense of comfort in the tank. There are many things that make an aquarium feel like in their natural habitat. for that, 'discussions need a home environment to be as healthy as possible.

Aquariums at home, discus live and can grow up to 8 inches, with an estimated average age of 10 years, but they can live up to 15 years if you can create an Aquarium according to their native habitat on the Amazon river.

and that certainly requires extra knowledge, Discus mixes and coexists well with tetra cardinalfish, German blue rams, and other fish originating from the same area and water conditions as their native habitat.

They are not suited to more aggressive fish, such as clownfish. Like many fish in a home aquarium, for food selection, they will eat whatever fits in their mouth, something to be taken into account when storing the aquarium.

discus tank design

What is the best size aquarium for discs?
A 50-gallon tank would be ideal for 5 adult discus fish. As a joint venture, one adult disc fish can survive in 10 gallons of water.

Saving about 5-6 discs is a recommended option. The following are recommended tank sizes for other situations.
  1. If you keep a pair of "breeding discus", you’ll need a 40-gallon tank. The dimensions are suggested to be 24” x 20” x 20”.
  2. If you keep a "pair" of companions with plants, then you require a 65-gallon tank. Recommended dimensions are 40” x 20” x 20”. The two fish should be of the same size and at least 14 cm long.
  3. The rearing group of discus will need a 50-gallon tank for 10 fish. If the fish are fully grown, the tank must be as big as 80 gallons. The dimensions should be 40” x 16” x 18”.
  4. Group of 10 companion discus with "plants "will require a 105-gallon tank fully grown discus. The dimensions should be 63” x 20” x 20”.

Placement of the tank is important

If you want to put a new discus tank in the living room, here are the reasons why you should pay attention to where you place it:
  • Here are the best experiences to follow. Avoid Windows - By getting direct sunlight, you have participated in increasing the amount of algae growth, which is expected to not happen in your aquarium.
  • Avoid High Traffic Areas - This is just for your preference: Passersby can scare your discus and cause them to crash into the tank, but that doesn't always happen when your discus fish have often interacted with people
  • Stay on Adult Level important- Little kids love tanks! Keep slapping them ... So be nice to your discs and keep them mature.
  • Close to Water important  - Water changes are important. Plan your path and closeness that changes the water.
  • Solid Soils are important - Water weighs 8 pounds per gallon. Make sure the floor can hold your tank!
  • Climate Control important - Avoid vents or windows that can cause water temperatures to rise or fall.
  • Use Stand important - Bricks and blocks are for buildings and gardens, not for holding your tank. Use the tank holder.
  • Spill Guard important - Prepare water on the floor early. Take care of your carpet or floor from spills.
